
Andrey Zvyagintsev, Russia, 2014o


In a Russian coastal town, Kolya is informed by the authorities that his house is to be demolished. Unwilling to accept his fate, Kolya fights back against the town's corrupt mayor. In his efforts, he seeks the support of an old friend who is now a lawyer, but the misfortunes nonetheless keep piling up for Kolya and his family.

No matter how gloomy the conditions in front of the camera are, no matter how sinister a director draws the human species: great films shine, their creative beauty acts as an antidote to the ugliness of what they portray. Leviathan is a prime example of this paradoxical experience. A garage owner and modern Job in a provincial town is gradually robbed of everything that is dear to him by the corrupt mayor and his henchmen with guns and priest's robes. But Andrej Zvyagintsev tells this drama in such a concentrated and surprising way that his lament about the biblical sea monster Leviathan, which in modern Russia has the head of a politician and the tail of a cleric, ties you up for 140 minutes without effort.

Andreas Furler

Die Regeln sind hart im Nordosten Russlands, an der Barentssee. Hier herrscht Überlebenskampf – auch in der Gesellschaft. Wenn du ein Wal bist, bleib weg von der Küste, und wenn du ein Mensch bist, bleib weg von der Macht. Sonst wirst du stranden wie Nikolai, der Automechaniker, der dem Bürgermeister in die Quere kam. Eine düstere Parabel vom allmächtig-korrupten russischen Staat mit biblischen Hiob-Bezügen, aber nicht nur – Andrej Swjaginzew fängt auch die Vitalität der Menschen überzeugend ein.

Tobias Kniebe

Film noir aussi ténébreux et aride qu’était poétique et lumineux Elena, Leviathan est une œuvre pétrifiante tant elle est cruelle.

Alexandre Jourdain

Avec un casting plein de caractère, des images et des musiques de très haut vol, il aboutit une mise en scène épique palpitante, pleine d'éclat et même, par moments, carrément cocasse.

Alexis Campion


rogerebert.com, 12/24/2014
All rights reserved rogerebert.com. Provided by rogerebert.com Archiv
The New Yorker, 1/26/2015
All rights reserved The New Yorker. Provided by The New Yorker Archiv
Zeit Online, 3/10/2015
All rights reserved Zeit Online. Provided by Zeit Online Archiv
All rights reserved Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. Provided by Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Archiv
culturebox, 9/21/2014
All rights reserved culturebox. Provided by culturebox Archiv
Korruption in Putins Russland
Udo Lielischkies / ORF
de / 5/10/2017 / 44‘34‘‘

Is the Russian Orthodox Church serving God or Putin?
Tim Sebastian / Deutsche Welle
en / 4/25/2017 / 26‘04‘‘

Interview and audience discussion with Andrey Zvyagintsev
en / 11/3/2015 / 55‘03‘‘

Interview with Andrey Zvyagintsev
/ Cygnnet
en / 10/31/2014 / 22‘39‘‘

Video Review
Mark Kermode / BBC
en / 11/6/2014 / 6‘17‘‘

Besprechung und politischer Hintergrund
From Reto Baer / SRF
de / 2‘34‘‘

Movie Datao

Other titles
Léviathan FR
Running time
140 Min.
Original language
Important Awards
Golden Globe 2015: Best Foreign Language Picture; Cannes 2014: Best Screenplay
ØYour rating7.9/10
IMDB user:
7.6 (58247)
8.8 (14)
< 3 votes q

Cast & Crewo

Vladimir VdovichenkovDmitriy Seleznyov
Elena LyadovaLilya
Aleksey SerebryakovNikolay


Korruption in Putins Russland
ORF, de , 44‘34‘‘
Is the Russian Orthodox Church serving God or Putin?
Deutsche Welle, en , 26‘04‘‘
Interview and audience discussion with Andrey Zvyagintsev
ICA, en , 55‘03‘‘
Interview with Andrey Zvyagintsev
Cygnnet, en , 22‘39‘‘
Video Review
BBC, en , 6‘17‘‘
Review rogerebert.com
Godfrey Cheshire
The Campaign Against “Leviathan” In Russia
The New Yorker / Masha Lipman
Review Zeit Online
Oliver Kaever
Review Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Andreas Kilb
Review culturebox
Jacky Bornet
Besprechung und politischer Hintergrund
SRF / de / 2‘34‘‘
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