Unconventionally told

Film of the day

Les Garçons et Guillaume, à table !
Guillaume Gallienne, 2013 c6.6

The film recounts Guillaume's tragicomic battle from the young age of eight, as he adopts the role of a girl, then of a homosexual until, aged 30, he meets the woman who, after his mother, will become the other woman in his life. Beyond this story of a heterosexual coming-out, the film tells the tale of an actor who never stopped loving women, maybe even a little too much.

Showtimes / Info
Bong Joon-ho, South Korea 2003, 131' c8.1
Showtimes / Info
Paolo Sorrentino, Italy 2015, 124' c7.3
Showtimes / Info
Gaspar Noé, France 2018, 96' c6.9
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